Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy 2010!

I hope you have a safe and blessed new year.

This is the final picture for my Project 365 book. I am so proud to have taken and printed one photo per day for this entire past year. I journaled a bit every single day, too. What an amazing memory for my girls.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Locks for Love

It sure has been a long time since I posted... sorry to the few kind people who still ready my little blog!
I have a bunch of pictures from the last few months to post...  but I had to post this so I could get my dad and my sister to see what my girls did this weekend.

Two years ago, Kalli decided on her own to donate her hair to locks-for-love. She had heard about it and asked me if her hair was long enough. It was, so she had it chopped short and donated to a child in need of a wig because of cancer treatments. Well, about two weeks ago, she said her hair was long enough and she wanted to do it again. Her sister (who would do ANYTHING to be just like Kalli) said she wanted to do it, too. And, on Saturday, they did.

It was hard for me to watch them cut off the hair that I love to much - but man, how lucky am I to be a mom to children who want to make sure sick kids have hair. I always feel grateful and blessed to be their mom - but on Saturday, I felt amazed by them both.

Here are some other shots from the cutting....  they were both so happy and had a great time.