Thursday, March 5, 2009

I am scrapbooking!

And it really, really makes me happy. If I only had one day left on earth, other than hug and love my family, I would truly want to spend it scrapbooking....  putting down memories that will last forever. It has been a long time since I made stuff just because I wanted to! And, these are my few days a year when Shannon (my best friend from Florida) and Sherrie (my awesome friend from Iowa) come to town to just make stuff!!  I LOVE IT!!  We are at my house this year so I did not have to move or pack a thing (TOTALLY ROCKS). It is just nice.

And, I got done one thing that has been hanging over my head for about 10 months....  I am a very laid back, non-chronilogical scrapbooker (because being behind made me feel like I was having a stroke), but I do these AWESOME Letters to my Dear Sweet Child boxes for the girls and I had not gotten Kalli's done for LAST year!  It just hung over my head, and now it is COMPLETE! I am just thrilled.

I also did Kaya's for THREE (she turned four only a week ago) and I have both of theirs prepped and ready for next year. YEAH!  I am just thrilled. Now I feel like I can create for the love of the memory and the story. It is going to be a fun few days.

And, if you are reading this, thanks.  I know I am slacker blog girl of the year....  but life is busy and most of all GOOD. I hope to post some projects soon and do a newsletter....  but with teaching and the girls, I am just doing the best I can! Hope you are having an incredible 2009 so far. Even in hard financial times, I know we can do little things to capture memories. And it will make your heart feel happy!
All right, these darn pages are posting all out of order, but you get the point....  just a small booklet (you get 21 of them in the Dear Sweet Child Letter Box) to capture some basic memories year by year - nothing earth shattering or award winning, but I cannot tell you what I would give to have found even just one of these in my Mom's belongings after she died.  I did NOT start at the beginning of their lives, I started when I found the books. Do even just one little things this year whether your kids are 3 or 30 and you will be grateful that you did.
 On the back cover of my booklets...  I put a couple photos about their birthday that year. So in one simple place I have photos from Kaya's 3rd birthday, some random photos of her at 3, and notes on the way she was at three. It also includes a letter from me. Short, sweet, and to the point. Man, I love this project. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you girls have a lot of fun! I can't wait to see what all you create!