Two BIG things today.... make sure you go all the way to the bottom of this post to see how you can win this handmade bag:
Here is my new on-line kit -
I need to tell you that I love this project so much it makes my heart hurt a little bit when I look at it. I feel like I need to put it into a safety deposit box, just in case!!
I also included a letter to my Mom.
I believe in Heaven, so I guess I have to believe that she was reading it over my shoulder as I typed it, and I sort of just needed to write certain things to her. Plus, my girls will always have this special note I wrote to my Mom. It just all makes me feel proud to be a scrapbooker. Like doing this one project makes everything I have ever done with scrapbooking worthwhile. I just have wanted to make this for so long....
OK, here are the details.....
In this kit (sold at Just Need It) you get just about everything you need to make an envelope album.Basically for $48 you receive:
*5 pre-cut (on the AccutCut) envelopes made from Lucky Creative Cafe Paper
*two pre-cut chipboard covers with corners already rounded (thanks Marty!)
*two O-rings to bind it together
*One 12 x 12 awesome printed transperancy to trim and use to accent your project
*Five sheets of 12 x 12 lined papers to use to write out your letters (after you trim them down a bit so they fit in the envelopes) to either 5 different people you love or 5 different letters to one person
*A complete set of Danelle's awesome Impress-On rub-ons that will warm your heart and complete your pages in a way that really makes you feel happy - I am done, and I have TONS left to use on other things
*Lots of ribbons and trims to use on your o-rings
*A complete set of 3 full 12 x 12 sheets of two sizes of chipboard letters - you have SO MANY of these!
*Tags in various sizes and colors
* another sheet of paper to use to cover your LETTERS title on the front cover
All you need on your own is Adhesive, Stamps (or you can just use the chipboard letters that are included), your thoughts, and a few photos. THAT IS IT! Complete list of what is in this kit can be found here.
You can do this - I know you can. And, I PROMISE you that you will always be glad you created this for your family.
Here are a few more photos...
You can pick up your kit and then I will email you full instructions. I will also help you in ANYWAY that I can do make sure you MAKE THIS for your family. I am so excited to share this kit with you!!
OK, now - PLEASE try to win this awesome bag!
It is a long story, but Andrea from the Nomi Collection, the lady who makes these bags is SO NICE and she made a bag just for one of you!! She was kind to me and completely made my day with a surprise in the mail!! It may have been small to her, but it meant the world to me! All you have to do is share one little thing you can do to simply be kind to another person. This bag can be yours if you comment on this post simply listing an act of kindness (one you did, one you will do, one you wish someone would do for you....) and PLEASE include your email. And this awesome bag can be yours. I will have the girls do a random draw on Sunday! Not many of you ever post, so if you post - your chances are GREAT to win this! :)
I hope you make this project - and I am so excited that one of you will soon have this HAPPY BAG to carry around with you! Enjoy your week!
Wow, what an awesome bag!!
My act of kindness -
driving 5 teenage boy scouts to a camping trip (and missing a basket bingo to do it)
buying a book at our school book fair for a child who could not afford to buy one
wow, that's really a nice thing to do. i'm checking out the etsy site right now. i think it was...when my friend was recovering from being really sick and i went over to help her with her kids and housekeeping. it really made me happy and exhausted at the same time...but it was a really GREAT exhausted because i knew i was tired from being productive.
I live on a marina outside of San Francisco, CA. and we have a few people here who have dropped out of society of sorts. One individual recently suffered a heart attack which resulted in an emergency angioplasty surgery. He wasn't insured and has been out of a job for quite some time. Everyone sort of seemed to ignore him for whatever reason, except for me. I went to his boat, got all his paperwork from the hospital and doctors so I could help him make heads or tails out of it all. I took him to the county office to get him medi-caid insurance in addition to food stamps and such. Well, today he came to my boat with the first smile I've seen on his face in a long time to let me know all his applications went through so he can now relax and finally heal. He gave me the biggest hug while he thanked me for all the help I gave him. He had no idea where to even begin and now that's behind him. I turned away to cry, having tears run down my cheeks. Now that's what I call doing something kind for someone and loving every moment I spent with him!
Such an adorable bag! I can't wait to go to her etsy store and shop! I offered my seat to a lady on the bus tonight. I'm always amazed how few men will ever offer their seat...even when someone is pregnant. I love that about us girls!
I think the kindest thing you can do everyday is just to say "thank you" to those you come in contact with. It's amazing how people have forgotten this used to be "habit." I make sure my kids say it and the astonished looks and the surprised smiles tell me it is still appreciated.
I guess my last act of kindness was taking my elderly neighbor into the hospital several times to see her husband and then picking him up when he was released.
I'm not one to comment, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to win this oh so cute bag. I was at my daughter's Veteran's Day program at her school on Tuesday and I said "thank you" to two Veterans after the program. I don't think most of us remember or realize what our Veterans did for us and what our troops are currently doing for us right now. Thank a Veteran the next time you have a chance!
What a SWEET bag!! =)
Love it!!
Since I know the pain of losing a child and other loved ones, I like to make "angel" photos with a special poem for people I know who are suffering loss. I use actual photos and turn them into beautiful angels. I hope that it gives them comfort....that is my act of kindness. =)
what a darling bag. I love the idea of letters from me. I have tried to sit down and write letters to my girls each year on their birthdays. This is such a great idea. Keep creating and blogging. CindyML
What an adorable bag- need to go and check out her store.
Recently I sent some happy mail to a friend who is recovering from surgery. I made her a card and sent some holiday acrylic stamps along too. I told her that since she will be resting for quite a few weeks that she can get a jump on some Christmas cards-lol.
I wish I lived closer to have helped her more.
My birthday is this weekend and I am really dreading it.. I just want to to be over. It will be my first birthday without my dad. So I decided I'm sending out some happy mail to some people to make me feel better! :-)
I am excited to take this class. I have always wanted to do this, and now I will! Thanks.
I hope I win the bag, too! Could use it as a Christmas Gift!
Too cute! last weekend my 2 year old wanted to make cookies. i asked him what he wanted to do with the cookies and he said take it to the firemen sleeping at the fire station (we had been at an open house at our local firehouse and seen their living quarters). So we took them over with a thank you note. Leave it to 2 year old to teach me! (I did not leave my email as I could not figure out how to do without it being public) Barbara
Those letters are AMAZING! Just amazing. I think that would also make the BEST holiday gift. I was just working on ideas for a hard to buy for set of grandparents that we don't get to see very much and this could also be something made for them. Each one of our family could make a letter and give to them in this book. I LOVE THIS!!! Seeing the letters puts it over the top for me.
oh, also please don't enter me for the bag, just commenting on this PROJECT!!!!!!!! wowie!!!
I love this purse I wish I could find the time to sew. I would love to write letters to my family but I'm just not very good with words.
I alwasy try to hold open the doors at the mall for older people and ladies whith small children and strollers.
Today I spent about 30 minutes with a 3 year old girl while her Mom was shopping in my store. this littel girl was great. She wore glasses and was so darn cute. I had to put on my glasses when I checked her Mom out and that had her so happy she said " you have glasses just like mine" I think that made my day.
Also I'm feeding 3 little black kittens that someone dropped outside my store.
It just just not take to much effort to say thank you.
I just read Danelle's post and wanted to say she is a very kind person. She and Marty helped me with a problem this week so I will say thank you to them one more time.
I forgot to add my email I'm hoping this works.
Always saying please and thank you. Calling people "sir" and Ma'am." Holding doors to let someone through. Saying excuse me when passing or bumping into someone. Allowing someone to merge in traffic. Speaking softly when on the cell phone in a public place. Simply getting back to basic everyday kindness is a great start.
I'm not that worried one way or the other about winning the bag...though it is nice...I just wanted to comment because you said "since not many of you ever comment" and I know no one ever comments on my blog either, so I wanted to say Hi. And Thanks. When I can I am definitely going to do the envelope project. Or one similar. I want those letters for my husband and my boys too. That's my act of kindness. To myself and my boys.
Great class kit and the bag (of course) is awesome! Since my dad passed away and my stepmom doesn't drive, we call her to see if she needs anything. She just asked if we could locate a book for her (she'd reimburse me). She'll be getting the book, but no plans to take her offer to reimburse. She brought so much happiness to my dad for his last few years; this is just part of what we can do to repay her.
My act of kindness will be to simply be courteous to all the store employees during the upcoming hectic holidays. They don't always deserve the harrasment they get from the shoppers.
My act of kindness was when I went to visit a neighbor after surgery at the hospital, I noticed she didn't have any flowers. She has a huge family but no one had sent her flowers. So I quickly went out and bought her a bouquet.
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