The lady is wacky healthy and the girls and I LOVE watching her blend things....
I made this in a Health Master Blender I am borrowing until my Vitamix comes.
I am obsessed with green smoothies and overall a healthier way to eat myself and feed my family (the stuff they do not run away from). I feel the best I have ever felt about the direction I am taking healthwise..... and giving in to my compulsion for this blender is part of that! :)
For this soup you simply need corn (fresh would have rocked, I used frozen), raw cashews, and water. Cannot get much cleaner. You can add some pepper and cilantro at the end which I did and it was wonderful. Amazing actually for 8 minutes in the blender and only the blender cup to clean which is super easy. Even Kaya ate it. :)
You can get the link to this soup here:
Or, this is how I cut and paste her notes into my recipe binder:
Cashew Corn Chowder
3 1/4 cups of fresh, sweet corn, which I shaved from the cobs this morning. You only need to add 2 1/4 cups to the blender and save a cup of it for the garnish.
Then add in 2 cups of water, I made a couple of other modifications to Ani’s recipe and I’ll tell you about them as I go along. And then, 1/2 cup of raw cashews.
We know that raw cashews are high in fat, that’s good. That’s the good fat, the comforting fat that also nourishes you, that fills up those empty spaces.
2 TBS of extra virgin olive oil
one tsp of kosher sea salt
1/2 clove of garlic
Let’s blend it up, 1-2-3 in the VitaMix and you’ll see how creamy and elegant it comes out, start on low and walk it up. That’s all there is to it.
And remember that corn that we saved? Garnish with some fresh corn, a dash of black pepper, sprinkle a little on and some chopped cilantro.
If you are thinking about getting a Vitamix - get it from Jane at
http://www.blenditandmendit.com/ and you get free shipping. It is the same price on all sites... I wish I had found her site before I ordered mine. Once you sign up for her email, you get this awesome blend it and mend it guide that I printed and have in a binder. This site is a great place to get a concept of how you can take better care of your body and why I am obsessed with getting a vitamix. :)