Monday, August 25, 2008

Is it just me??

Or do Moms get really sad taking their kids to first grade??  I mean, what is my deal? I want to cry about it.  Kal is so good about it this year (last year she cried until November at drop off) and I feel ill. I am not kidding. Ugh. I need to get over this and be OK with the fact that she is growing up, but I am struggling. Totally struggling. Here are a couple photos of us walking to school today. I pulled Kaya in the wagon and Kal scooted along side of us. It hurt my heart to watch her walk in.  She looked so small in that large sea of students. I pray life is kind to her tender little heart.

I will be back later with photos of what I am making this Monday - the plan is to simply print some photos of our Colorado journey and put them into our travel journal. I love that book and will post it later.
Hope you make a few minutes to create something that matters to you.

1 comment:

hhockman said...

I am so with you on the first grade thing. My son started first grade a few weeks ago, and it's still bothering me. Kindergarten didn't bother me that much, but first grade seems SO much older.

Thank goodness we still have the little ones right (I have a 3 year old too)? I don't know what I'll do when my little son starts 1st grade.

Great train pictures, BTW. That looks like lots of fun!